divendres, 24 de novembre del 2017

Young students come to explore the LOW3 solar house and learn about more sustainable architecture and lifestyle

[eng] ETSAV has received a new educational visit by Isabel de Villena School from Barcelona. 25 students and their teachers spent half a day at our campus visiting and exploring the experimental installations in the field of sustainable architecture and renewable energies of Living Lab LOW3.

Students split up into four groups, exploring the solar house and its installations. Energy control and management, bioclimatic concepts and mechanisms, photovoltaic energy generation and the solar thermal installation have been centre of the explorations and measurements.

Young students used the equipments of Living Lab LOW3 for monitoring the temperature of different zones of the prototype and for measuring the incident solar radiation on different oriented façades as well as the effectivness of the screens as shading devices.

A second group measured the energy consumption of different appliances like the oven, a hairdryer or the kitchenlights in order to get a feeling for magnitudes of energy use in households and the related CO2 emissions and economic costs per service unit.

The other two groups used online tools for calculating the solar electricity as well the solar thermal energy production of LOW3 and compare yearly productions and solar fractions with other places like Sevilla and Berlin.

Discussions about technologies, energy, environment and many related issues, as well as the applied methodology, which makes students present their results and learnings to each other, contributed to a rich and vivid session in which students could experiment, experience and reflect on many important issues regarding sustainable housing and lifestyle.

The traditional solar-cooked popcorn allowed experiencing the concentrated power of the sun through the parabolic solar kitchen, although due to a cloudy sky students had to be pacient until the end of the visit.

Living Lab LOW3 at the ETSAV campus at Sant Cugat showed once again its potential as tools for a holistic education of all levels of students regarding a more sustainable architecture and life style.

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